Hi there!
Welcome, Boomer!
Thanks for stopping by. This is a Boomer retirement planning and “wealth” management blog. Whether you’re still working, or are now retired, this blog is for Boomers who want to protect, grow, and manage their nest-egg.
It’s for Boomers who’ve ever asked:
- How do I protect and grow the money I’ve spent a lifetime earning?
- How do I make sure I don’t outlive my money?
- What’s the best way to increase the size of my nest-egg while I’m still working?
- Should I buy long-term care insurance?
- When should I take Social Security?
- How can I reinvent myself in retirement?
The goal is to provide you with enough information, backed by reputable sources, that you can manage your own financial affairs. I’ll cite and link to these reputable sources.
If you use a financial advisor, you can use this information to verify what you’re told. Bulletin: not all financial advisors are required by law to put your interests above their own.
How do I know about this stuff?
I had a family member whose life-long care would forever fall to me. Boomer, that sort of thing focuses the mind, pronto. Since they don’t generally teach personal finance in business school, or anywhere else, I had to master these principles on my own.
And I did.
I had family to protect.
Now it’s up to us.
At this stage, our own life-long care now falls to us. None of us wants to outlive our money. And that’s why we’ll concentrate on building, protecting, and managing that nest-egg.
Since you’ve dropped by, I hope you’ll consider subscribing. When you do, you’ll get the “Seven Simple Steps to Not Outlive Your Money” super post. You also get a checklist for evaluating long-term care insurance.
Use them well, Boomer. Everyone’s clamoring for that boomer dollar.
But, whether you subscribe or not, know how much I appreciate you stopping by.
I hope we see each other again!
P.S. By popular request, here’s my LinkedIn profile.