On a Personal Note…

Greetings, money mavens!  On June 1, Mr. BoomerMoneyandMore and I left our state-side home in good hands and took up temporary digs in Milan, Italy.  It seems MrBoomerMoneyandMore thinks he’s Italian. 😉 

While here, my goal is to revamp the Web site, which requires the technical skills I don’t yet have but hope to acquire.  And yet, as I move toward this goal, I find myself staring out my apartment window thinking:  Italy’s outside!  I gotta get out there!

You see the dilemma.

So Boomer, this is by no means good-bye.  Instead, it’s more like the Italians say:  alla prossima, which means “until next time.” I don’t know when next time will be, but if you’re a subscriber, you’ll be the first to know with a cheery note in your mailbox.  In the meantime, remember:  you got this.

Alla prossima.

