To Not Outlive Your Money, You’ve Got to Know Where it Goes

Vintage black and white photo of police interrogating young criminal about where the money went.

The takeaway:  The perfect setup for outliving your money is not knowing where it goes.  This post helps you figure out where the money went and provides a juicy look at what others your age are earning and spending.  Don’t outlive your money! $$$ Part 3 in the Don’t Outlive Your Money Series.  (Updated 1/18/23) … [Read more…]

The Coronavirus and Your Nest-Egg

Black and white vintage photo of worried man at typewriter contemplating the effect of the Corona Virus on his nest-egg. picture of a stern older woman wagging her finger at a younger man in a suit about continuing care retirement communities.

The takeaway:  The Coronavirus and your nest-egg should each be treated the same way during this crisis:  maintain social distance.  Take the long view.  History shows that, in time, the market will return to its recent highs, and eventually surpass those highs.  Beware the flight to “safety.”  For now, understand basic nest-egg management principles. $$$ … [Read more…]